When you need a moment, take it.
Take a deep breath. Then take another.
Breathe deeply as you allow yourself to root down into this moment here and now.
What is present, here and now, that is asking for your attention?
Can you give your attention to this space - this most precious of spaces! - that being, that which is alive in you, here and now, asking for your attention?
Life is continuously asking me to go deeper right now:
deeper into stillness
deeper into self
It isn’t always like this. Sometimes, my attention is drawn outward. There is much to do and much to experience as I explore the world around me! There is work to be done. There are problems to solve. There are other human beings to love and tend to. Oh, and there is great fun to be had!
It is important to devote the time necessary to fulfill these outer connections. And… it is most important to give ourselves the time we require to look inward:
to pause
to listen
to devote our love-filled attention to all those parts of self that are waiting to be heard
I get it. Our modern world has taught us all a different way of being.
The world taught us to distrust ourselves - to sever head from all else as we claim these high and mighty roles as the logical and reasonable human beings that we are. There are thoughts to be thought as we make plans and strategize and act in accordance with those steps that are asking to be taken.
But my love, you are a human being. This means that there is life to be lived here, now, simply in your being.
There are parts of you that expand so far beyond that which is readily perceived by these modern human minds of ours. There are parts of you that require your willful action be tuned down so that your consciousness can descend.
Will you allow your consciousness to descend?
To drop down out of the realm of thought and endless seeking outward…
To drop out of the mind, and down into the body…
Can you allow your consciousness to drop down into your body?
This is how you listen. This is how you feel. This is how you get to know what is truly alive, here and now.
Are you willing to allow yourself - your own precious self! - to be heard in this way?
What is alive within that is here to be felt, seen, or otherwise witnessed as you and your being?
Join me in a 15 minute guided meditation where I will guide you into your own inner realm in a grounded, felt connection with self.
Find a comfortable seated position where you will not be disturbed for the next 15 minutes. I invite you to close down your eyes for this practice only if it feels comfortable. If not, I would invite in a soft gaze.